Next Generation Refrigerants Development Class (Webinar) - 7th Class, 7 Dec 2020 (Mon) |
Co-organised with EMSD and VTC, ACRA is now organising the 7th seminar on ‘Next Generation Refrigerants Development’ in kinds of Webinar.
Details of Training Course are as follows :
Date : 7 December 2020 (Mon)
Time : 9:00am-1:00pm
Venue : In the form of Webinar by using own computer/ mobile device with Internet access (The specific link to access the Webinar by ZOOM will be sent to the confirmed applicants accordingly.)
Fee: $400 (for ACRA members & Co-organisers), $500 (for non-members)
A Certificate will be issued to the candidates who have successfully completed the course.
Program Highlight: For protecting our ozone layer & climate, most of common refrigerants with high ozone depletion potential and global warming potential have been or are being phased out. Government, Developers, Consultants, and Contractors are loving to see new generation refrigerants coming to the market asap.
In this seminar, we will discuss various new refrigerants that may be used in industrial, commercial, and residential building. Participants can know more about the history & evolution, and the comparison of existing options with some new options including efficiency, flammability, changes to equipment, components and working procedures.
Recent incidents and accidents along with application trends will provide the back drop to discuss the refrigerant handling & risk management. Relative standards, regulations and legislations will be also discussed.
Please find attached application form and course content for your information. |
Cancellation of ACRA 58th Anniversary Dinner |
Considering the current situation under Covid-19, and the Hong Kong Government's recent announcement of the extension of Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation, we regret to inform you that we have had to cancel the ACRA 58th Anniversary Dinner.
We would also like to express our gratitude to your kind understanding and support on the several rounds of deferment of the 58th Anniversary Dinner. Your understanding is much appreciated for this extremely difficult decision the Council have made, while we regret any inconvenience this cancellation may cause, the safety and well-being of all members and friends are our utmost and unnegotiable priority.
Thank you again for your continued support and we look forward to welcoming you at our 60th Anniversary Dinner in 2021!
空調管道隔熱材料安裝技術及知識之証書課程–18 Sep 2020 |
根據政府規定,承判政府工程之隔熱保溫安裝,承判商必須提供不少於一成 (10%) 安裝技術人員持有本會或同等認可機構發出合資格証書的技術人員指導施工。
日期: 二零二零年九月十八日 (星期五)
地點: 香港灣仔港灣道4號灣景國際酒店
時間: 上午 九 時至 五 時
上午段 - 發泡橡塑保溫 (豬腸膠) 及 玻璃棉課程 (上午 九 時 至 中午 十二 時)
下午段 - 泡沬酚醛 及PID 直接風管系統課程 (下午 二 時 至 五 時)
費用: 港幣600元正
HFC & Blend Type Refrigerants License Web Training – April 2020 |
We would like to organize a web revision course for registered workers who had successfully completed the training courses previously held for Workers in Handling HFC & Blend Type Refrigerant for ArchSD projects. In this revision course, an update of the current development of refrigerants and a refreshment of the training materials will be conducted.
ArchSD has endorsed this mentioned training to be conducted as e-tutorial instead of classroom training in view of Covid-19.
Details of Web Revision Course:
Time: 1.5 hours
Date: 15 May 2020 (Completion before 15 May 2020)
Applicants shall be assess to the specific link within 14 days upon receive confirmation email, all applicants shall complete this e tutorial by 15 May.
Fee: $400 (for members), $500 (for non-members)
Please find the attached application form and course content for your information. For enrollment, please return the completed registration form to us by 30 April, 2020. |
ACRA Caring Event - Fun Day with Children 【關懷社區服務 –陽光全方位共融活動】- 16 February 2020 (Postponement) |
We are pleased to launch the ‘Caring Event 2020 - Fun Day with Children’which will be held on Sunday, 16 February 2020, co-organised The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf. This event helps the children become confident and motivated individuals through participating the outdoor activities.
Please find the the flyer with reply slip enclosed for event details.
ACRA Golf Day 2020 (SustainE CUP) - 10 Jan 2020 |
We are pleased to have Sustainable Energy Ltd to sponsor the 2020 ACRA Golf Tournament on 10 January 2020 (Fri) at PHOENIX HILL Golf Club (鳳凰山球會).
Congratulation to the winners and thanks all golfers’ enthusiastic participation!
Format : 新新貝利亞 (New New Peoria)
得獎者 |
贊助商紀念品 |
Sustainable Energy Ltd |
Best Gross |
Mr. Henry Cheung |
Champion |
Mr. Chow Wo |
1nd Runner-Up |
Mr. Mok Tai Wai |
2st Runner-Up |
Mr. Tommy Chan |
Nearest to the Pin 1 |
Mr. Fred Chan |
Nearest to the Pin 2 |
Mr. Louis Chang |
Longest Drives 1 |
Mr. Henry Cheung |
Longest Drives 2 |
Mr. Thomas Chan |
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