ACRA Caring Event – Joyful Lunch 2019 for Elderly - 14 Dec 2019 (Sat) |
We are pleased to launch the ‘Caring Event 2019 - Joyful Lunch’ which will be held on Saturday, 14 December 2019, co-organised with Open Door Ministries Limited for the 10th consecutive year. It aimed to serve 200 nos of low-income elderly to attend the lunch celebrating Winter Solstice Festival. Details as below:-
Date: 14 Dec 2019 (Sat)
Time: 10.30pm to 2.30pm
Sponsor Amount: HKD$4200 for each table
Total Volunteers required: 50 volunteers
Please find the flyer with reply slip enclosed for event details. Thank you for your generous sponsor and warm heart. |
ACRA Badminton Tournament 2019 (IES Cup) - 10 & 17 December 2019 |
We are pleased to have IES Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited to sponsor the ACRA Badminton Tournament 2019 (IES Cup). It will be launched on Tuesday, 10 & 17 December 2019. If you are interested to join, please return the attached entry form to info@acra.org.hk and tyler@daikin.com.hk at your earliest convenience by 28 November 2019.
Acceptance will be based on the first come first served principle. Please see the flyer for the details.
Looking forward to seeing you in the joyful night! |
ACRA 58th Anniversary Dinner– Re-scheduled from 25 Nov 2019 to Thursday, 20 Feb 2020 |
Dear all members,
Due to the present unstable situation, we have to announce a postponement of our 58th Anniversary Dinner from 25 Nov 2019 to Thursday, 20 Feb 2020.
The details of the Annual Dinner are as follows:
Date: 20 Feb 2020 (Thursday)
Time: 5.30pm to 10.00pm ( 5.30pm Cocktail, 7.00pm Ceremony Starts)
Venue: InterContinental Hong Kong (香港洲際酒店), 18 Salisbury Road, Kowloon (尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號 )
The registered members with confirmed nos of seats for the ‘ACRA 58th Anniversary Dinner’ will be applicable automatically.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to welcoming you at our 58th Anniversary Dinner on 20 Feb 2020!

Dear members,
It is my great pleasure to announce that our 58th Anniversary Dinner will be held on Monday, 25 November 2019 at the InterContinental Hong Kong, 18 Salisbury Road, Kowloon. We are proud to have invited Mr. SIT Wing Hang, Alfred, JP, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, as our Guest of Honour this year.
You are cordially invited to join the dinner. Following our tradition of ticket allocation, every Fellow and Ordinary Member has been assigned with 6 seats and every Associate Member has been assigned with 2 seats. The ticket price for this year is set at HK$1,500.00 each. Please complete the attached reply slip to confirm your agreement with this arrangement. However, if you are not available to attend the dinner, we can make special arrangement to transfer your tickets to other members. Please return the attached reply slip to us before 30 September 2019.
Furthermore, there will be exhibition booths, roller banner stands at the reception/ cocktail area as well as the LED Wall advertisement package, which is the main backdrop for displaying and promoting members’ products and services throughout the evening. Members are encouraged to participate, and again, it will be served on first-come-first-served basis.
Last but not least, with appreciation for members ‘support, each members’ company logo will be displayed at the LED Wall through this event Free-of-charge for promotion.
Attached herewith are the E-invitation card & event flyer with detailed information and form for your action.
We do hope that you will be able to join us in this occasion, and look forward to seeing you at the dinner.
Antonio Chan
President (2018-2020)
The Hong Kong Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Association Ltd

空調管道隔熱材料安裝技術及知識之証書課程(2nd Class)– 8 Nov 2019 |
根據政府規定,承判政府工程之隔熱保溫安裝,承判商必須提供不少於一成 (10%) 安裝技術人員持有本會或同等認可機構發出合資格証書的技術人員指導施工。
日期: 二零一九年十一月八日 (星期五)
地點: 職業訓練局 (香港灣仔活道27號,職業訓練局大樓演講廳LT01)
時間: 上午 九 時至 五 時
上午段 - 發泡橡塑保溫 (豬腸膠) 及 玻璃棉課程 (上午 九 時 至 中午 十二 時)
下午段 - 泡沬酚醛 及PID 直接風管系統課程 (下午 二 時 至 五 時)
費用: 港幣600元正
詳情請參照 附件資料及報名表。 |
Comprehensive Certificate Course on HVAC&R Systems in Buildings 2019 - 15 Oct to 26 Nov 2019 |
We are pleased to inform you that the Comprehensive Certificate Course on HVAC&R Systems in Buildings 2019, which is jointly organized by The Hong Kong Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Association Ltd. (ACRA), ASHRAE Hong Kong Chapter (ASHRAE-HKC), The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers-Building Service Division (HKIE-BSD), Building Services Operation and Maintenance Executives Society (BSOMES) & The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers-Hong Kong Branch (CIBSE-HKB), will be held from 15 Oct to 26 Nov 2019 (every Tue & Thu).
This course is designed to broaden knowledge of engineers in relation to Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation Systems and is useful for young engineers and practitioners who want to refresh / acquire knowledge in different perspectives.
Please refer to the attached flyer for full details.
Registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Only online registration is accepted. |
ACRA's COCKTAIL RECEPTION - 4 October 2019 |
We are pleased to launch our ACRA's COCKTAIL RECEPTION on 4 October 2019 (Friday). One of the purposes of this event is to provide a relaxed and casual opportunity to members for networking, chatting and sharing.
For this event, we are with great pleasure to invite Ir Dr. P L Yuen, Senior Manager of the Hospital Authority Head Office be our Guest of Honour. Details as below:-
Date: 4 October 2019
Time: 6:30 to 9:00pm
Venue: Sportful Garden Restaurant (陶源酒家), 2/F, Tai Tung Building, 8 Fleming Road, Wan Chai (灣仔菲林明道8號大同大廈2樓)
Menu: Free flow of drinks and snacks will be served
Fee: Free of Charge
As space is limited, members are encouraged to fill in the attached reply slip and return to ACRA by email (info@acra.org.hk) for seat reservation the earliest but no later than 13 Sep 2019.
Looking forward to seeing you in the joyful night! |
Next Generation Refrigerants Development-5th seminar - 4 October 2019 |
Co-organised with EMSD and VTC, ACRA is now organising the 5th seminar on ‘Next Generation Refrigerants Development’.
Details of Training Course are as follows :
Date : 4 October 2019 (Friday)
Time : 9:00am-1:00pm
Venue : Rm 436, Pro-Act Training and Development Centre (Electrical), VTC Pokfulam Complex
Fee: $500 (for ACRA members & Co-organisers), $600 (for non-members)
A Certificate will be issued to the candidates who have successfully completed the course.
Program Highlight:
For protecting our ozone layer & climate, most of common refrigerants with high ozone depletion potential and global warming potential have been or are being phased out. Government, Developers, Consultants, and Contractors are loving to see new generation refrigerants coming to the market asap.
In this seminar, we will discuss various new refrigerants that may be used in industrial, commercial, and residential building. Participants can know more about the history & evolution, and the comparison of existing options with some new options including efficiency, flammability, changes to equipment, components and working procedures.
Recent incidents and accidents along with application trends will provide the back drop to discuss the refrigerant handling & risk management. Relative standards, regulations and legislations will be also discussed.
Please find the attached application form and course content for your information.
Interested members please return the completed registration form to us by e-mail at info@acra.org.hk for enrolment by 13 Sep 2019. Registration confirmation will be then notified to the applicant company before commencement of the training. |
ACRA Darts Competition 2019 (York Choi Cup) - 28 June 2019 |
We are pleased to have York Choi Industrial Limited to sponsor the ACRA Darts Competition 2019 (York Choi Cup).
It will be launched on Friday, 28 June 2019.
Acceptance will be based on the first come first served principle. Please see attached flyer for the details.
Looking forwards to seeing you in the joyful night! |
ACRA Golf Day - Saiver-Welaire CUP - 21 June 2019 |
We are pleased to have Welcome Air-Tech Ltd. to sponsor the 2019 ACRA Golf Tournament (Saiver-Welaire CUP) on 21 June 2019 at PHOENIX HILL.
Congratulation to the winner and thanks all golfers’ enthusiastic participation! Please find enclosed result for your information.
Format : 新新貝利亞 (New New Peoria)
得獎者 |
贊助商紀念品 |
Welcome Air-Tech Ltd. |
Best Gross |
Mr. Kelvin Tang |
Champion |
Mr. Franklin Lau |
1nd Runner-Up |
Mr. Leung Chi Ming |
2st Runner-Up |
Mr. Kendrew Leung |
Nearest to the Pin 1 |
Mr. Dick Wong |
Nearest to the Pin 2 |
Mr. Leung Chi Ming |
最遠發球獎 Longest Drives 1 |
Mr. Marco Chiu |
最遠發球獎 Longest Drives 2 |
Mr. Kelvin Tang |
Click HERE to view more photos
Next Generation Refrigerants Development-4th seminar - 30 May 2019 |
Co-organised with EMSD and VTC, ACRA is now organising the 4th seminar on ‘Next Generation Refrigerants Development’. Details of Training Course are as follows :
Date : 30 May 2019 (Thursday)
Time : 9:00am-1:00pm
Venue : Rm 436, Pro-Act Training and Development Centre (Electrical), VTC Pokfulam Complex
Fee: $500 (for ACRA members & Co-organisers), $600 (for non-members)
A Certificate will be issued to the candidates who have successfully completed the course.
Program Highlight:
For protecting our ozone layer & climate, most of common refrigerants with high ozone depletion potential and global warming potential have been or are being phased out. Government, Developers, Consultants, and Contractors are loving to see new generation refrigerants coming to the market asap.
In this seminar, we will discuss various new refrigerants that may be used in industrial, commercial, and residential building. Participants can know more about the history & evolution, and the comparison of existing options with some new options including efficiency, flammability, changes to equipment, components and working procedures.
Recent incidents and accidents along with application trends will provide the back drop to discuss the refrigerant handling & risk management. Relative standards, regulations and legislations will be also discussed.
Please find the attached application form and course content for your information.
Interested members please return the completed registration form to us by e-mail at info@acra.org.hk for enrolment by 15 May 2019. Registration confirmation will be then notified to the applicant company before commencement of the training. |
空調管道隔熱材料安裝技術及知識之証書課程 – 26 Apr 2019 |
根據政府規定,承判政府工程之隔熱保溫安裝,承判商必須提供不少於一成 (10%) 安裝技術人員持有本會或同等認可機構發出合資格証書的技術人員指導施工。
日期: 二零壹玖年四月二十六日 (星期五)
地點: 職業訓練局 (香港灣仔活道27號,職業訓練局大樓演講廳LT01)
時間: 上午 九 時至 五 時
上午段 - 發泡橡塑保溫 (豬腸膠) 及 玻璃棉課程 (上午 九 時 至 中午 十二 時)
下午段 - 泡沬酚醛 及PID 直接風管系統課程 (下午 二 時 至 五 時)
費用: 港幣600元正
詳情請參照附件資料及報名表。 |
ACRA Horse Racing Night 2019 - 24 April 2019 |
We are pleased to announce that the Horse Racing Night 2019 will be held on 24 April 2019, Wednesday at Happy Valley, Racecourse.
The reservation is under “First Come First Served” basis by 17 April 2019 (Max. 30 persons), information as follows:-
Date: 24 April 2019 ( Wednesday)
Time: 6:15pm – 10:45pm
Venue: Box E414, 4/F. ,Member Stands 1, Happy Valley Racecourse
Menu: International Buffet Dinner Plus Drinks & Wine
Game : Horse Racing Competition ( 賽馬大亨計獎金比賽 )
Dinner Fee: HKD1000.00 / Seat
Please see the attachments for details. |
『易燃雪種使用安全』講座 – 11 Apr 2019 (FULL) |
根據機電工程署、消防處及勞工處早期的聯合通告:『有關易燃製冷劑的安全事宜』指出: 『現時香港普遍採用的製冷劑(俗稱雪種)為氫氟碳化物(簡稱 HFC), 這類雪種並不易燃和不會破壞臭氧層,亦符合現行相關安全及環保法例的要求。不過, HFC 有很高的全球變暖潛能值 (GWP), 當被排放到大氣環境時,會對全球暖化帶來負面影響。因此,近 200 名各國代表已於 2016年10 月達成協議,落實減少碳排放及淘汰高 GWP 氣體(包括現有的 HFC 雪種)的時間表。基於上述發展,近年在世界部分地區,一些製冷設備(包括空調及冷凍系統)巳採用低 GWP 但較易燃的雪種。』
日期:2019年4月11 日 (星期四)
地點:職業訓練局葵涌大樓L2禮堂 (新界葵芳新葵街13-19號 港鐵葵芳站A 出口)
時間:晚上7.30pm – 9.00pm
時間 |
講座內容 |
單位 |
7.30-7.40pm |
歡迎詞 |
香港空調及冷凍商會 |
7.40-8.10pm |
易燃雪種使用安全資訊 |
機電工程署、消防處及勞工處 |
8.10-8.40pm |
安全使用R32雪種 |
職業訓練局 |
8.40-8.50pm |
答問環節 |
機電工程署、消防處、勞工處及職業訓練局 |
8.50-9.00pm |
謝詞 |
香港空調製冷業職工總會 |
Joint Technical Visit to Shanghai 2019 Expo - 8 to 11 April 2019 |
ACRA, ASHRAE HKC, CIBSE HKB and HKAEE are jointly organised a 4-day Technical Visit from 8 to 11 April 2019 to Shanghai. In this occasion, our visiting team will visit the China Refrigeration Expo 2019 (www.cr-expo.com) and some job sites as well as factories.
Preliminary Itinerary
8 Apr 2019 (Mon) - Hong Kong International Airport to Shanghai - Hotel Check in
9 Apr 2019 (Tue) - Visit to China Refrigeration Expo (中國製冷展2019/ 第三十屆國際制冷空調供暖通風及食品冷凍加工展覽會) (www.cr-expo.com)
10 Apr 2019 (Wed) - Job site or factory visits
11 Apr 2019 (Thu) - Job site or factory visits and to Shanghai Int’ll Airport and H.K.
The maximum number of participants is 30 and application will be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis. You are strongly encouraged to make prompt registration, to facilitate the booking of air tickets and hotel rooms, by completing the attached Registration Form (one per participant) and returning it to info@acra.org.hk or fax at 2598 0102 by 18 Feb 2019.
For the job sites and factories, if members has any recommendation, please contact us at 2598 0101 or 9733 5789 or reply this mail end Feb.
Thank you very much. |
HFC and Blend Type Refrigerants License Training – 8 March 2019 |
We would like to organize a revision course for registered workers who had successfully completed the training courses previously held for Workers in Handling HFC & Blend Type Refrigerant for ArchSD projects. In this revision course, an update of the current development of refrigerants and a refreshment of the training materials will be conducted. Details are as follows:-
Date: 8 March 2019 (Friday)
Time: 2.30pm to 4.30pm
Venue: IVE(Morrison Hill) LT51, 5/F, 6 Oi Kwan Road, Wanchai
Fee: $400 (for members), $500 (for non-members)
Please find the attached application form and course content for your information. Interested parties please return the completed registration form to us by 21 February, 2019. |
ACRA Spring Dinner 2019 - 1 Mar 2019 |
To celebrate the New Year, we would like to invite you to join ACRA Spring Dinner 2019 on 1 March 2019 (Friday). We have also arranged lucky draw to make the evening enjoyable for everyone.
Furthermore, there will be Booths and Banners display at the cocktail area for promotion of members’ products and services throughout the evening. Members are encouraged to take this opportunity to market your products and services.
Attached herewith is the event flyer with detailed information and form for your action. Look forward to sharing a happy evening with you all! |
Next Generation Refrigerants Development Class -3rd Class - 15 February 2019 |
Co-organised with EMSD and VTC, ACRA is now organising the 3rd seminar on ‘Next Generation Refrigerants Development’. Details of Training Course are as follows :
Date : 15 February 2019 (Friday)
Time : 9:00am-1:00pm
Venue : Rm 436, Pro-Act Training and Development Centre (Electrical), VTC Pokfulam Complex
Fee: $500 (for ACRA members & Co-organisers), $600 (for non-members)
A Certificate will be issued to the candidates who have successfully completed the course.
Program Highlight:
For protecting our ozone layer & climate, most of common refrigerants with high ozone depletion potential and global warming potential have been or are being phased out. Government, Developers, Consultants, and Contractors are loving to see new generation refrigerants coming to the market asap.
In this seminar, we will discuss various new refrigerants that may be used in industrial, commercial, and residential building. Participants can know more about the history & evolution, and the comparison of existing options with some new options including efficiency, flammability, changes to equipment, components and working procedures.
Recent incidents and accidents along with application trends will provide the back drop to discuss the refrigerant handling & risk management. Relative standards, regulations and legislations will be also discussed.
Please find the attached application form and course content for your information.
Interested members please return the completed registration form to us by e-mail at info@acra.org.hk for enrolment by 31 Jan 2019. Registration confirmation will be then notified to the applicant company before commencement of the training. |
Visit to Guangzhou Industry and Trade Technician College (廣州工貿技術學院) 24 January 2019 |
ACRA is organizing a visit to Guangzhou Industry and Trade Technician College (廣州工貿技術學院) at Guangzhou on 24 Jan 2019 (Thursday) for members' participation.
A Memorendum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) and the Guangzhou Industry and Trade Technician College (GZITTC) in June 2018 in order to promote training in air-conditioning, mechanical and electrical services…Subsequently, there was a delegation visit organized by EMSD in July 2018 to GZITTC and President was invited to join this visit. The delegation visit was under the leadership of ex Deputy Director Ir Tai Tak-him, JP and the exchange was fruitful. ACRA has been seeking opportunity to foster further the linkage with the GZITTC in air conditioning and refrigeration industry since then.
Please see attached flyer for details.
Interested members, please complete and return the attached reply slip to us by email (arischiu@acra.org.hk) by 10 Jan 2019 (Thursday) for our further arrangement.
得到廣州工貿技術學院的支持,我們商會現決定於2019年1月24日 (星期四) 組織拜訪及交流團,拜訪廣州工貿技術學院,並於培訓人才方面作出交流。 若會員對上述交流團感興趣,請於2019年1月10日 (星期四) 之前填妥附件報名表,以便安排細節。 |