Due to the coming of the Chinese New Year Holidays, the Organizing Committee announces that the Early Bird for the below Certificate Course will be extended to 31 Jan 2012. Please register on-line to get this benefit. Applications after 31 Jan 2012 will treat as normal applications. Don’t miss this early bird chance and hurry up !!!
ACRA organizes different kinds of trainings and/or seminars for our members regularly. The main objective is to broaden our members technical knowhow and update the recent trends in our industry. The first training in 2012 is jointly organized by
ASHRAE-Hong Kong Chapter
HKIE-Building Services Division
CIBSE-Hong Kong Branch
IVE-Morrison Hill
for Joint Comprehensive Certificate Course on HVAC&R System which will be held in Feb to April for a total of 12 sessions.
The course is intended for junior engineers to broaden their knowledge on major issues encountered in the Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation Systems and it is useful for engineers who want to refresh their knowledge of particular areas. Speakers who are experienced Professors of University, Government Officers, and Professional Engineers of reputable Consultants / Contractors / Manufacturers / Facilities Management Company will present to you the close to actual market.
For details of the course please refer to attached flyer. Seats are limited. Interested members please enroll directly at this link http://www.cvent.com/d/3cqk2j or fill in the form and return to Mr. Alan So at E-mail: alan.so@hk.cievents.com
For enquiry please contact Mr. Alan So at Tel: 2830-2772 or Ms. Polly Mui at 2598-0101.
Thanks & Regards
For More Detail,
Please click here to download the Flyer(pdf)
Please click here to download the Flyer(doc)