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Useful Information
Information Download
Memorandum and Articles of Association
Flammable Refrigerant Safety - Voluntary Registration Scheme for Technicians
Handling Mildly Flammable Refrigerant of Household Air-conditioners by EMSD
Please click here for more details.
EMSD reviewed Grading Standards of Single Package Type Room Air Conditioners in 2020 and new standards take effective on 31 Dec 2020. For details about the upgrading of energy efficiency grading standards, please visit EMSD's Energy Label Net at http://www.energylabel.emsd.gov.hk

Occupational Safety & Health Statistics provided by Labour Department
- Bulletin
- Statistic

- Bulletin
- Statistic
Building Energy Code - BEC 2021
Major Changes BEC 2021 vs BEC 2018
Energy Audit Code 2021 - EAC 2021
Major Changes EAC 2021 vs EAC 2018
Fire Service Dept Ventilation Division
List of Product Approved for use in Ventilating Systems
Fire Service Dept Licensing & Certification Command - FSD Circular Letter No. 2/2023
Fire Safety Requirements for Mechanical Ventilating Systems
Membership Application Form
ACRA Logo Guideline
Code of Practice - Prevention of Legionnaires' Disease (2021)

Housekeeping Guidelines for Cold and Hot Water Systems for Building Management